What Should Your Toddler Be Able to Do?

Developmental milestones are important markers of progress in various areas for young children. While they serve as a general guideline to understand what skills your child will typically acquire at different stages, parents must remember that every child develops at their own pace. If this is something you’d like to learn more about, Community Educational Research Group, one of the most reputable nursery facilities in Washington, DC, is here to assist you!

Apart from our goal of offering high-quality services, such as infant care in 50th St. NE, Washington, DC, weaim to improve parents’ childcare knowledge and skills. To that end, allow us to share developmental milestones common among toddlers:

  • Physical Development

    During the toddler years, gross motor skills blossom, allowing children to walk, run, climb stairs, jump, kick a ball, throw, and catch objects. Fine motor skills likewise develop alongside, enabling them to use utensils, scribble with crayons, stack blocks, and turn pages in a book.

  • Cognitive Development

    Toddlers also undergo a burst of cognitive development, enabling them to follow simple instructions, point to familiar objects, and name body parts. Pretend play and exploring objects flourish during this period, which is vital as toddlers transition into school age.

  • Social and Emotional Development

    As for social and emotional growth, speaking in 2-3 word phrases, understanding simple questions, and following basic routines are most common. These allow toddlers to play with other children, show affection, and respond to emotions. For such reasons, this is the ideal time to teach emotional regulation, which our child care agency is adept at.

Are there toddler misconceptions you would like to clear up? Dial us today!

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