Toddlers are known for being a whirlwind of activity. Their tremendous level of energy might be difficult to deal with in any situation. We’re always wondering if there’s any way to appease them. We investigate the possibilities as childcare providers in Good Hope Rd. SE, Washington, DC. We make certain that quiet and tranquil activities are introduced to balance their hyperactive times.
These activities can be carried out at home or outside. If you need to concentrate on something else, consider winding down your toddler. Our babysitter can help introduce the following and allow them to participate in these enjoyable activities.
- Puzzles can capture your child’s attention and aid in the development of fine motor abilities, as well as the improvement of orientation and visual perception.
- Coloring activities. Several cafés and restaurants provide coloring materials for children to use while they wait for their food. This activity can pique their interest and attentiveness.
- Another option is to create a collage. Children seem to focus more when they are engaged in arts and crafts, and by creating a collage, you are allowing their imagination to run wild and allowing them to interpret what is on their minds. We often incorporate arts and crafts here at our daycare center in Southeast, Washington, DC.
- Listening to audiobooks and classical and jazz music. Music helps children develop from the womb to maturing toddlers. Toddlers are also enthralled by fresh stories they hear through audiobooks. We also play music at our infant care.
Community Educational Research Group is a reputable pre-kindergarten in Northeast Washington, DC. We believe in balancing children’s interests in order to promote more holistic development and growth.
Visit our preschool anytime.
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